One month ago i turned 22. And on the 11th of September, all my friends got together in my lifetime-friend Mari's Bar in Takadanobaba, Tokyo to have a little (yeah...we only had 5 chairs...but too many people!) birthday party.
It was one of the best nights since a long time: Heading to American Apparel's Fashion Night Out for a bit and then running to the train to be in time for my own party. For one night I could totally forget about all the stress I'm having right now with my application for Bunka and just enjoy being here in Tokyo with my lovely friends..even though the most important ones were missing.
The following pictures are from Tokyo School Night 2 weeks ago. The topic was "Jungle" fav. was Trent being a the Flintstones Yabadabadoooooo!!!!
Good timesね!